Amanda Seemann - BHK, MPT


Amanda Seemann is a dedicated physical therapy professional with deep roots in Prince George. She holds a Kinesiology Diploma with Honors from the College of New Caledonia, a Bachelor of Human Kinetics from UBC Okanagan, and a Master of Physical Therapy from UBC Vancouver. Amanda specializes in improving functional abilities, with a focus on stroke survivors, neurological injuries, and pediatric cases. She is also exploring future specialization in canine physical therapy.

Favorite Pastimes: I enjoy kayaking, skiing, hiking, swimming at Summit Lake, weight lifting, and reading.

Education: Kinesiology Diploma (Honors), CNC; Bachelor of Human Kinetics, UBC Okanagan; Master of Physical Therapy, UBC Vancouver.

Techniques: Exercise Therapy, Soft Tissue Release, Postural Education and Correction, Joint Mobilizations, Therapeutic Ultrasound.

Find Me For: Injury Rehabilitation, Exercise Therapy, Pain Management, Functional Mobility and Movement.

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